Carnegie's Way

Carnegie`s Way Community Engagement

Crossford and Cairneyhill Community Councils have worked hard over the last few years to persuade Fife Council to create a route suitable for walkers, cyclists and wheelers between Crossford and Dunfermline.

We now have the opportunity to invite the community to join us on this journey and we ask for your input into shaping the new route.  We will be carrying out some community engagement with the first part forming this survey. More public consultations will take place throughout 2023/2024.

The two community councils recommend Option 1 for reasons set out in our website.
Your opinion does matter so indicate your preference here.  Thank you.

1. Which Option do you Support ?
    Option 1. (A direct route between Crossford and West Gate, Pittencrieff Park)
    Option 2. (Following existing core paths, where possible, between Crossford and Milton Green)
    Option 3. (A route North from Crossford towards Knockhouse Farm and then due West to William Street)

2. Please give us your preference of crossing over the Coal Road
    Bridge     Toucan Crossing

3. How would you use the path ?
Leisure walking     Leisure cycling     Wheeling     Travel to employment/school     Travel to bus/train stations
4. Please enter your Postcode

Your postcode will only be used for statistical purposes.

5. Tell us what you think the essential elements of a new path should be.
For example, should it be lit, have easy gradients or perhaps have seating along the way?
Insert any comments you may wish to make here:

6. Your Age ?
    Under 18     18-34     35-49     50-64     65 and over     Prefer not to say

The following questions form part of our Equality Impact Assessment.  We are seeking your opinions and the support of our community through this engagement process.  We want to ensure that the best possible infrastructure is created that suits the needs of the community.  Please answer these questions to help us with our task.

7. Do you consider yourself to have a disability or be neurodivergent ?
    Yes     No     Prefer not to say

8. Do you consider yourself to be part of the LGBTQI+ Community ?
    Yes     No     Prefer not to say

9. Do you have children ?
    Yes     No     Prefer not to say

10. Gender: How do you identify ?
    Man     Woman     Non-Binary     Prefer not to say     Prefer to self-identify (add below)

11. Self Identify

12. What is your religion ?

13. What is your ethnicity ?

Thank you for providing information. If you would like to take part in further engagement or focus groups about this project, email us at:

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